Subscription conditions

Check in detail the conditions of service guaranteed by Moloni.
Conditions relating to the subscription of Moloni

This document presents a set of important information, also available on our website, which discloses some internal management procedures regarding invoicing applicable to the subscription of a Moloni plan.

1. Direct invoicing by Moloni to the final customer

These conditions apply to Moloni's direct billing to final customers, not being applicable to subscriptions and payments made via Official Moloni Agents.

The subscription to the account is settled in prepayment, preferably through an ATM reference or bank transfer and is not automatically renewed, being necessary to carry out the following procedures:

1.1 - Subscription and/or renewal payment is made in advance, preferably through an ATM reference generated by Moloni in the customer area. Other payment channels can be made available by request;

1.2 - The payment for the subscription and/or renewal is carried out by customers directly in Moloni, in the “Settings” menu, “Subscription” tab;

1.3 - The use of Moloni presupposes continued payment from the activation of the account, which takes place 30 days after the registration date and the first payment;

1.4 - Whenever the period of inactivity on the account is equal to or greater than 90 days, a fee of €24.00 will be applied (plus VAT at the legal rate in force). Up to 90 days of inactivity, account renewal includes all overdue amounts. If the account is renewed for a period of one year, the aforementioned activation fee will not apply.

1.5 - Moloni does not support legacy pricing policies;

1.6 - The price and characteristics communicated online, in the plans in force, are valid at the time of subscription, except for semantic errors, mutually recognized.

1.7 - The functionalities and characteristics presented in the plans may be subject to change without prior notice. It is recommended that you consult the features and prices page whenever you renew your account.

2. Renewal Conditions

Moloni account renewal procedures are duly communicated in advance, via alerts issued by the software and e-mail sent to the address provided by the customer at the time of subscription. The schedule will be:

2.1 - 21 days before the expiration of the monthly fee, the customer receives the first alert e-mail: There are 21 days left for the renewal of your Moloni account;

2.2 - 7 days before the monthly fee expires, the customer receives the second alert e-mail: There are 7 days left for the renewal of your Moloni account;

2.3 - On the day the monthly fee expires, the customer receives the third and final e-mail alert: Today is the deadline for renewing your Moloni account.

Note: The sending of renewal e-mails is considered an integral part of the contractual commitment, therefore subscribing to a Moloni account implies acceptance.


3. Upgrade Process

Upgrading a Moloni plan is changing to a more complete plan and proceeds as follows:

3.1 - The payment of the differential value between the plans is generated. The subscription renewal date remains. Only the supplementary amount is paid for the unused period of the plan;

3.2 - Moloni does not support the downgrade process. However, at the end of the subscribed contract, the customer can change the plan.

4. Suspension of Moloni service

The cancellation of the subscription to use Moloni proceeds as follows:

4.1 - When the customer does not pay for the renewal of the subscription;

4.2 - In suspended accounts, the customer will continue to have access to Moloni, but only in consultation mode (it is not possible, for example, to introduce new data and issue new tax documents);

4.3 - In suspended Moloni accounts, access is also guaranteed to export duplicate tax documents, to consult documents in the system, to export all issued documents in PDF format and to export SAF-T(PT) files and inventory, when applicable;

4.4 - Moloni assumes continuity in using the program. In the event of account suspension, the customer must settle the activation fee of €24.00 (plus VAT at the legal rate in force) if the account has been inactive for more than 90 days. In accounts that have expired for less than 90 days, this fee will not be applied, as in the case of annual renewal;

4.5 - Moloni sends notices by e-mail indicating the date on which the account will expire, accompanied by alert messages issued through the Moloni system (in the customer area).

5. Credit or return requests

Moloni does not refund amounts for ceasing to use the account or the billing process. However, there may be administrative and tax treatment errors that require the credit of total or partial amounts of the amounts paid. The analysis of these errors will be carried out carefully in a process of direct communication with the customer.

The customer who wants to request the credit and/or annulment of an invoice, in whole or in part, must proceed as follows:

5.1 - Credit requests must be made, mandatorily, in writing, sending an e-mail to;

5.2 - Upon receipt of the request, via e-mail, it is analyzed within a maximum period of 3 working days;

5.3 - After evaluating the credit request, a credit note is issued and sent to the customer, so that it can be signed;

5.4 - The customer must forward, via e-mail, the signed credit note and attach the IBAN of their account for the refund of the pending amount;

5.5 - Then Moloni transfers the value of the credit note to the IBAN provided by the customer.


- Insertion of additional users;

- User Group Permissions;

- Issuance of real documents with a value equal to or greater than €5,000.00;

- Application of the Sirca tax;

- Add more than one CAE code for association to a series of specific billing.

6. Special cases

Moloni has specific analysis and evaluation criteria so that special cases can obtain some type of benefit, subject to prior approval.

The 03 (three) cases indicated below are subject to analysis and approval. To identify which benefit you can obtain, you must follow the following procedures:

6.1 - New different taxpayer license with common partner (Multi Company):

6.2 - Licenses for Nonprofit Institutions:

6.3 - License for Festivals, Pilgrimages and Popular Events:

In the other special cases indicated below, a single rule is applied.
Rule: You must sign a new contract with the new data, to:

Note: Moloni does not allow the acquisition of a new license with the same VAT number.

Other cases not identified in this document are subject to prior analysis.

Important: We reserve the right, at any time, with or without prior notice, to modify the Conditions relating to the subscription to Moloni, or any part of it, so you should consult regularly.

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